Making noise (play and rest)

Basic program#

Handel programs are contained within the start and finish keywords. Below is a complete Handel program:

play E4 for 1b

The program above only plays 1 note. But it's a start!

Let's play something#

You can be play notes and chords using the play command. Below is an example program that plays a note, then a chord:

play C#3 for 1b
play E3, G3, A4 for 1b

Note the syntax above. A play command begins with the play keyword, then a note or chord (a list of notes separated by commas) follows.

Lastly play commands need a duration. The play commands above end with for 1b. This states how long the particular note or notelist (chord) should be held.

Phew! We're getting somewhere.

Let's rest#

Similar to the play command, a rest can played using the rest command. Below is an example program that rests for 1 beat then plays a note for 2 beats.

rest for 1b
play G5 for 2b